Welcome to Curitiba ! To get in Pontal do Sul is necessary to first go to the roadrail, for this you can use a taxi or bus , both listed below with the appropriate information. You can use currency exchange at the airport. For more information access: CWB AIRPORT WEBSITE
Av. Rocha Pombo, 2730 – Águas Belas – São José dos Pinhais – PR
+55 (41) 3381-1515
Rádio Táxi Cidade
+55 (41) 3333 3333
Rodo Rádio Capital
+55 (41) 3264 6464 / 0800 6006666
Rádio Táxi Curitiba
+55 (41) 3376 7676
You can use the app for smartphones:
Where to buy the ticket?
- In the airport: customer service module on the outer area of the airport, located right off the exit door (follow signposts). You can pay with cash or debit cards.
-In the center of Curitiba or roadrail : Payment of the fee must be made directly with the driver and in cash only
+55 (41) 3381 1326 / +55 (41) 9817 9666
Price: R$ 13, 00
For more information: executive airport bus
To arrive in the city where you will be taught the course you will need to buy bus ticket through the company Graciosa . If you need transportation in Pontal do Paraná use the other information listed below.
Bus Line between cities
Contact: +55 (41) 3213-5511
SAC: +55 0800 8801315
Rua Joquei Club, 188, Prado Velho, Curitiba
Contact Marcos Ihon by telephone:
+55(41)9591 2380
+55(41)9201 7572
Ponto de Embarque, Pontal do Sul, Paraná
City Bus in Pontal do Paraná
Contact: (41) 3458 2189
Rua Estoril, 924, Praia de Leste, Pontal do Paraná
You can do it, too! Sign up for free now at https://www.jimdo.com