IOI - Interamerican Ocean Institute
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New winds, new waves
After 20 years of the initial agreement between the International Ocean Institute (IOI) and the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), through its Foundation (FUNPAR), an Operational Centre was hosted by the Centre for Marine Studies (CEM) of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Southern Brazil. The new Centre opened in 2023 and will continue working in the region as planned, keeping Elisabeth Mann Borgese's legacy visible.
During the period the Centre was associated with IOI, the Centre was dedicated to preserving and enhancing Elisabet Mann Borgese's legacy by contributing to spreading their ideals at the local and regional levels, supporting educational activities, and attracting young students and scientists to marine-related issues.
Every year, on June 8, the Centre organizes the celebration of World Ocean Day, which is also Oceanographer Day in Brazil. Outreach works, education, research and extension, and advocacy on marine-related issues have been at the core of the Centre's activities from the beginning.
The new organization aims to organize Training Courses in the LAC region and the Americas. The Training Courses are designed to be itinerant in Latin America and the Caribbean Region, offered yearly, with a balanced content focusing on Ocean Governance, Ocean Sciences and GeoEthics.
After more than 20 years of fruitful and engaging activities in Latin America and the Caribbean, thanks to the volunteer work of many scholars, the new Centre will carry on training activities under new flags: IOI-TC-LAC (Interamerican Ocean Institute); CITGO-ALC (Centro Internacional de Treinamento em Governança Oceánica para América Latina e o Caribe) a.k.a CIEGO-ALC (Centro Internacional de Entrenamiento en Governanza Oceánica para América Latina y el Caribe). This initiative was to honour the parents of the UNCLOS, Elisabeth Mann Borgese and Arvid Pardo, keeping their true ideals and legacy alive, which needs a revival in times of Anthropocene and the challenges posed by Climate Change and new geopolitical setups.
Coming soon, more information.
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